Wellard Street, Serpentine, WA, 6125
Work Hours
Mon-Tues: Closed
Wednesday: 9am-1pm
Thur-Fri: Closed
Sat-Sun: 10am-3pm
Public Holidays: 10am-3pm
Note: Closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day
Wellard Street, Serpentine, WA, 6125
Work Hours
Mon-Tues: Closed
Wednesday: 9am-1pm
Thur-Fri: Closed
Sat-Sun: 10am-3pm
Public Holidays: 10am-3pm
Note: Closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day
The WingetCompany was founded in 1908 by John Burn using moulds to cast concrete and other garden tractor requirements. The Winget 42 was designed and developed by Winget in the UK, but was built here in Western Australia, under licence,…
The Twin City 21/32 hit the agricultural market in about 1929, following the successful development of the 12/20 and 17 A feature of the engines of these tractors was the use of four valves per cylinder, pretty much before this…
The MG5 was built by the firm Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies. They were designed to operate in small orchards, vineyards and market gardens. A total of 15,000 of the MG series were eventually built, becoming Britain’s number 1 selling crawler.…
Cleveland Tractor Company (Cletrac) was founded by Rollin White in 1917 manufacturing tract type tractors of various sizes. Ironically the Oliver Company which later bought Cletrac, was itself bought out by the White Motor Co. in 1960. Cletrac started production…
The Cleveland Tractor Company (Cletrac) introduced their model AD crawler in 1937. The model was continued after Oliver Farm Equipment took over Cletrac in 1944 and continued building the model until 1959. Towards the end of the production run the…
OLIVER MODEL 70 – c. 1948 The 70 Model was made in the USA and introduced into the tractor market in 1935. It was tractor with a compact six-cylinder engine with quite advanced styling and the radiator protected by a…
The Nuffield M4 tractors were built in the UK by Morris Motors between 1948 and 1961. The initial engine was a Morris 4-cylinder, side-valve engine running on TVO (Tractor Vaporising Oil) which was replaced by a Perkins P4 Diesel in…
The Newman was an orchard tractor fitted with a single furrow plough. The Newman Garden Tractor is a rare tractor, probably so because few were made in Great Britain by Newman Industries Ltd in Grantham, Lincolnshire, during the short life…
Manufactured by the Minneapolis-Moline Power Implement Co. (M-M) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The UTS had a long production run in the USA, although comparatively few found their way to Australia. This was the third in a series of M-M models…
Alfred Henry McDonald built Australia’s first tractor in 1908 at Richmond Victoria. In 1969 the company eventually merged with Jaques Bros and the name disappeared. Only 20 examples of the T6 were built between 1946 and 1955 at a high…