Wellard Street, Serpentine, WA, 6125

Work Hours
Mon-Tues: Closed
Wednesday: 9am-1pm
Thur-Fri: Closed
Sat-Sun: 10am-3pm
Public Holidays: 10am-3pm

Note: Closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day

Fairbanks Morse Z Series - c. 1920


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The Fairbanks Morse engine on display is a good example of a typical American Farm petrol engine. It would be started on petrol and then switched over to kerosene when hot. To stop pre-ignition a 3rd needle was fitted to the carby so water could be added.  The first “Z” series engine came out in 1915 in a 1½hp size, using an Igniter with “Make and Break” ignition, which was subsequently replaced with a magneto when the 6hp version was introduced in 1918, selling for $US119. With the popularity of the engine the range was expanded to 10hp, 15hp & 20hp versions.

This motor was made in Beloit, Wisconsin, USA by Fairbanks Morse who dominated the stationary engine market in the early 1900s.

Fairbanks Morse Z Series - c. 1920
Fairbanks Morse Z Series - c. 1920
Fairbanks Morse Z Series - c. 1920